Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient healing system that has been helping people achieve balance and wellness for over 2,300 years. TCM is rooted in the idea that our bodies are made up of two complementary forces – yin and yang – and that true health comes from keeping these forces in harmony.
In TCM, practitioners believe that our vital life force, called qi, flows along specific pathways in the body known as meridians. When the flow of qi is disrupted, it can lead to illness or discomfort. That’s where TCM techniques like acupuncture, herbal medicine, and massage come in – they help to unblock meridians and restore the balance of yin and yang, promoting healing and well-being.
As we get older, many of us start to experience new aches, pains, and health challenges. But did you know that acupuncture can be a powerful tool for supporting your health and wellness in your golden years? Studies have shown that acupuncture can be effective in managing chronic pain, a common concern for many seniors. It may also help improve sleep quality and reduce agitated behaviors in those with dementia, leading to more restful nights.
But the benefits don’t stop there. Acupuncture is thought to give your immune system a boost by increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation in the body. And for seniors who receive long-term acupuncture treatments, the reported benefits are truly remarkable – from reduced pain and stress to better sleep and an improved overall sense of well-being.
At Clever Care, we believe that everyone deserves access to the healing wisdom of TCM. That’s why we’re proud to offer acupuncture and other complementary therapies as part of our commitment to culturally-sensitive healthcare. If you’re curious about how TCM can support your health and wellness goals, we invite you to reach out and learn more. We’re here to guide you every step of the way on your journey to optimal health and happiness.
Mark your calendar for every fourth Friday from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. at the Clever Care Community Center in Monterey Park, CA. These interactive seminars, led by Xinyu Bu, will explore essential TCM topics to help you feel your best, including:
You’ll have plenty of chances to ask questions and even try some techniques yourself. It’s all part of our commitment to helping you live a healthier, happier life.
These seminars fill up fast, so don’t wait to RSVP by submitting the online form below or call (833) 524-9258 (TTY: 711) to reserve your place. If you need any special accommodations, like an interpreter or accessible seating, just let us know.
We can’t wait to see you there and help you discover the power of TCM for yourself. Remember, at Clever Care, we’re always here for you. We’ll have plenty of refreshments on hand, so come ready to nourish your body and mind! Feel free to dress casually and comfortably, especially for the Tai Chi and exercise portions of the event.
Don’t forget to bring a pen and notepad to capture the wisdom shared by Xinyu Bu. We also encourage you to bring an open mind and a curious spirit as we explore the time-honored principles of traditional Chinese medicine together. Our seminars are designed to be interactive and inclusive, providing a safe space for everyone to ask questions and engage in meaningful dialogue.
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(833) 808-8164(TTY: 711)번으로 전화하여
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(833) 721-4365(TTY: 711)번으로 전화하여
메디케어 보험 상담사와 통화하세요
10월 1일부터 3월 31일까지 주 7일, 오전 8:00 – 오후 8:00
4월 1일부터 9월 30일까지 월요일부터 금요일, 오전 8:00 – 오후 8:00
생년월일과 같은 개인 식별 정보 또는 개인 의료 정보는 당사에 보내는 이메일에 포함하지 마십시오. 인터넷 이메일은 보안이 보장되지 않습니다. 일반 우편, 회원 포털 또는 팩스 (657) 210-6635로 보상금 양식을 제출하십시오.
Clever Care Health Plan, Inc.는 메디케어 계약을 수반하는 HMO 및 HMO C-SNP입니다. 가입은 계약 갱신에 달려 있습니다.
당사 웹사이트에 명시된 정책은 다른 사이트의 정책과 동일하지 않을 수 있습니다.
Clever Care Health Plan 웹사이트에서 떠나면 다른 웹사이트의 개인정보보호 및 보안 정책의 적용을 받게 됩니다.
아래의 ‘확인’ 버튼을 클릭하면 다른 웹사이트로 이동합니다. 그렇지 않고 이 창을 닫으면 Clever Care 사이트를 계속 사용하게 됩니다.