Clever Care Health Plan Inc., announced today its partnership with Providence Southern California, one of the largest health systems in California. This unique partnership combines Clever Care’s focus on the healing methodologies of Eastern Medicine with the innovative practices of Western Medicine delivered by Providence’s extensive network of doctors, specialists, and hospitals.
“Clever Care is proud to partner with Providence, a prominent and patient-trusted health care system that has been providing comprehensive medical care in California for decades,” said Peter Winston, Vice President of Community and Provider Development at Clever Health Plan. “The partnership with Providence Southern California will raise the bar in quality of care by providing our patient population with better access and compassionate health care choices.”
Clever Care will begin serving thousands of Medicare Advantage members in Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego Counties with access to over 15,000 provider facilities and more than 50 leading Southern California hospitals.
“Providence is committed to healing mind, body and spirit and is honored to partner with Clever Care, which offers a broad range of evidence-based integrative treatment programs,” Brad Byars, Executive Director, Strategy and Business Development, Providence Southern California, “Our partnership will further enhance our high-performing network of care that puts patients first and honors their cultures and traditions under the philosophy of whole person care.”
Clever Care offers a unique combination of Eastern and Western medicine to promote wellness and preventive care to the Medicare Advantage population. Offerings like unlimited acupuncture and coverage of herbal supplements are just a few of the unique benefits available to Clever Care members. In addition, Clever Care provides in-house language support services to improve member access to the care they need.
“To support our members during the current pandemic, Clever Care is also launching “COVID Peace of Mind” benefits, which will provide members with $0 out-of-pocket costs for any COVID-related services, including hospitalizations and transportation costs,” added Winston.
Clever Care Health Plan
Clever Care Health Plan, Inc. is a private company based in Southern California that offers affordable and innovative enhanced benefits with a holistic approach to care. Formed to connect the benefits of Eastern and Western medicine through an extensive network of PCPs and specialists, Clever Care Health Plan offers a differentiated health care solution. Detailed information can be found at
About Providence Southern California.
Providence Southern California is a not-for-profit Catholic health network of 13 hospitals, approximately 90 clinics, TrinityCare Hospice and its TrinityKids Care pediatric hospice, Providence High School, home health care services, eight wellness centers and numerous physician groups. Together these ministries, including secular affiliates and some representing other faiths, generate $7.5 billion in net revenue and have approximately 35,000 employees – called caregivers – and nearly 5,200 physicians on staff. Providence Southern California is part of Providence, a health system of 111,000 caregivers serving in 51 hospitals, 829 clinics and a comprehensive range of services across Alaska, California, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas and Washington. PSJH strives to increase access to health care and bring quality, compassionate care to those we serve, with a focus on those most in need.
Clever Care of Golden State, Inc.는 Medicare 계약을 수반하는 HMO 플랜입니다. 가입은 계약 갱신에 달려 있습니다.
Other Physicians/Providers are available in our network.
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