ARCADIA, California (2021년 10월 19일) Clever Care Health Plan (“Clever Care”), a Medicare Advantage insurance provider focused on delivering Western clinical-based medicine integrated with Eastern health and wellness methodologies to Southern California Medicare-beneficiaries, proudly welcomes Sonia Millsom to its Board of Directors. Sonia’s extensive leadership experience in risk-based managed care will contribute valued perspectives for the future growth of Clever Care.
Sonia Millsom is a long-time veteran of high-profile healthcare companies including UnitedHealthcare, Maven Clinic, Iora Health and Best Doctors. She has successfully executed multi-year growth plans, expanded new lines of business and delivered revenue growth for large national payers. Her vast experience in both startups and large publicly traded healthcare companies brings a diverse experience to the Clever Care Board of Directors, which beneficiaries will benefit from.
“We look forward to further enhancing our capabilities and continuing to deliver innovative Medicare Advantage solutions to our members,” said Myong Lee, President and COO of Clever Care. “Sonia has tremendous industry expertise and her insights will help position Clever Care as a market leader.”
“I’m deeply passionate about delivering culturally sensitive care solutions at scale that meet the needs of 21st century medicine” said Millsom. “I am excited to take part in Clever Care’s expansive growth to offer comprehensive programs that serve the needs of the communities we serve and increase health equity.”
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Clever Care Health Plan, Inc. is a culturally sensitive health plan based in Southern California that offers a combination of Western clinical-based medicine integrated with Eastern methodologies. This holistic approach offers a network of more than 15,000 provider facilities and 58 leading hospitals to deliver innovative treatments that meets the needs of 21st century medicine. In addition, Clever Care Health Plan’s network includes multi-lingual speaking doctors and specialists to deliver better service and access to care for their members.
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