Clever Care of Golden State Inc. dba Clever Care of California, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Clever Care Health Plan Inc. announced today a successful step forward to provide Medicare Advantage services in Southern California by obtaining the Knox-Keene license, an essential regulatory approval to operate as a full-service health care service plan in California.
“We are grateful for the support given by the California Department of Managed Health Care (DHMC) to our endeavor. The Knox-Keene license will allow us to launch Medicare Advantage products this Fall to serve Medicare eligible enrollees in Southern California” said Dave Firdaus, CEO of Clever Care Health Plan.
The DHMC is the state regulatory agency that oversees California HMO health plan operations to ensure that health care service plans provide enrollees with access to quality health care services and protect and promote the interests of enrollees. It grants health service plans with the license under the Knox-Keene Health Care Service Plan Act of 1975, as amended, after careful review and compliance of all applicable managed care laws and regulations.
“Obtaining the Knox-Keene license places Clever Care of Golden State on a path to lower member health insurance cost, improve access to quality providers, and ultimately serve the communities in California,” added Mr. Firdaus.
Clever Care of Golden State also received a conditional approval of 2021 contract from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in June 2020, and like other Medicare Advantage plans, is expecting final 2021 contract approval in the coming months.
Clever Care’s 2021 service areas will include Los Angeles County, Orange County, and San Diego County with access to over 15,000 provider facilities and more than 30 leading Southern California hospitals.
Clever Care Health Plan
Clever Care Health Plan Inc. is a private Delaware corporation company based in Southern California that offers affordable and innovative enhanced benefits with a holistic approach to care. Formed to connect the benefits of Eastern and Western medicine through an extensive network of PCPs and specialists, Clever Care Health Plan offers a differentiated health care solution. Clever Care of Golden State Inc., dba Clever care of California, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Clever Care Health Plan. Detailed information can be found at
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